I would like to share with You a project I have been working on for students.
Individuals that I know have contributed to buying a book for a student. This process can be in honor of a former teacher, a loved one, a family name, or a patient. Over 100 books have been dedicated but I would like this to be exponential. Every time I lecture companies or organizations make a contribution for books to be purchased for students with my honorarium. Last month GC donated 15 books to UPenn students. Ivoclar has donated numerous books for students in Mexico City for my honorarium.
In Bogotalast year Picodent made contributions for my honorarium to buy books for 10 students and teachers. Also, I have purchased books for students. One of my patients has donated 60 books for students each time I have written a book.
I think God has given us talents that we should share with others. what better way to escalate Excellence in Dentistry. Please Buy a Book for a Student